联系我注塑模插件灯背光源 Custom kinds of colors and shape ultra thin led backlight board Kindly send us your detail drawing(Size, light color, Voltage or more) to evaluate, thanks ...更多
联系我定做注塑模贴片灯LED背光源 背光可以是任何种类的颜色; 单色液晶通常使用黄色,绿色,蓝色,红色和白色背光。 LED背光可以增强液晶显示器的色彩表现。 背光类型 LED背光源; CCFL背光源; EL背光 按厚度分类 0.55毫米〜10毫米 由导光板分类 挤压成型板(需要钢模)和激光切割丝印 驱动电压 LED背光:1.8〜2.1V和2.8-3.1V ...更多
联系我八边形背光源 Custom kinds of colors and shape ultra thin led backlight board Kindly send us your detail drawing(Size, light color, Voltage or more) to evaluate, thanks! Absolu...更多
联系我贴片灯背光源 Custom kinds of colors and shape ultra thin led backlight board Kindly send us your detail drawing(Size, light color, Voltage or more) to evaluate, thanks! ...更多
联系我插件灯背光源 Custom kinds of colors and shape ultra thin led backlight board Kindly send us your detail drawing(Size, light color, Voltage or more) to evaluate, thanks! ...更多
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